Cuisinart DGB1U “When it comes to price and value for money for a one cup quick brew then look no further.” Pros Cons
We like to check out machines from all budget sizes and the Cuisinart certainly comes in at the lowest end of the price bracket.
American brand Cuisinart have been making budget-friendly household appliances since the early 1970’s and offer a number of superb products to fit any consumers price range including the DGB1U.
So, What Makes the Cuisinart DGB1U so Good?
When it comes to price and value for money for a one cup quick brew then look no further.
At less than £100 do not expect an all singing and all dancing bean to cup machine but for basic use, you will struggle to find anything better at such a low price.
There are also a number of pretty nifty features despite such a small financial commitment which really helps elevate the DGB1U from an off the shelf cheap buy to something to seriously consider if you want a decent brew with minimum fuss.
Tailored Made Coffee
It is hard to believe that such a small machine has the capabilities to customise each drink you make but it can.
You can do this by controlling the number of beans you want ground and the machine literally does the rest through a number of factors such as temperature and pressure control.
Naturally, at under £100, it does not come with all the bells and whistles that many other models possess but that almost endears you to this Cuisinart product as it really comes in as the underdog and yet still packs a punch well above its weight.
If you simply want to cut the crap and tailor make your coffee quickly and effectively without having to compromise on a quality brew, then this could be one of the smartest purchases you make.
Nifty Drip Tray
For a machine so cheap the features do not start and end with customisable drinks, oh no.
The folks at Cuisinart have included an adjustable drip tray that is easy to adapt and incredibly useful when making different quantities of coffee.
It may seem relatively basic, but we highlight it because in reality we probably thought for a hundred quid you would get little to no added bits of luxury and you soon become aware just how useful having the adjustable drip tray really can be.
Cleaning is another plus point of the DGB1U mainly because it is such a simple machine.
The grind chamber and the filter basket are easily accessible and a pinch of salt to remove and then clean with any descaler to get it clean.
This also helps make the machine relatively portable and lightweight as it is a one cup coffee machine making it an ideal purchase to take out and about and house in a small office or tucked away nicely at home.
The instruction manual also gives some handy hints and tips on keeping the machine in the best possible condition as a poorly kept bean to cup coffee machine really is a travesty.
Simple but Effective
There are few airs and graces with the DGB1U, it will make you a cracking cup of joe without fail every time (just so long as you look after it).
You put in the coffee you want, set your parameters and the Cuisinart will do the rest making this a quick and effective machine.
However, you will hardly impress the neighbours with it.
There is none of the latest coffee technology such as Krups’ Thermoblock but that matters little because if you have bought this machine, then that is not important.
What is important however is ease of use and this machine could not be simpler as mentioned above and is one its main traits.
If you have never used a bean to cup machine before then this is an ideal introductory model to see what the possibilities are.
Naturally, you are a little limited with possibilities with this machine as you add the beans and pretty much press go but you will garner the process immediately meaning there is literally no set up time.
Hey Good Looking
The DGB1U is a slimline machine because it is one cup and comes with none of the more premium features such as a frothing arm.
But that does not mean it is not nice to look at with its silver and black slim design.
Sure, it’s no supermodel, but it’s no Grinch either and its small width makes it perfect for the space constraint.
What’s Wrong with it?
As we have mentioned a couple of times so far, if you are after the latest tech, experimentation and supreme capabilities then this is not the machine for you.
Those things come at a cost and considering the height adjustable drip tray is the most advanced feature, state of the art this machine is not.
Because of that it can often take a while for your drink to pour and your brew will not always be the hottest, that said, a little cheating with the kettle would not be out of place.
The DGB1U is simplicity at best so for mod cons, look elsewhere.
As an introduction to the world of bean to cup coffee machines then you cannot go far wrong with this machine, especially at its price.
One thing though is you will quickly find that you have got to grips with it and soon will want more than this machine is capable of.
That is a shame as this is, without doubt, the best coffee machine on the market that can be picked up for under £100.
Simplicity is the name of the game with a couple of features thrown in to just lift it above its lower end competitors but if you are deadly serious about creating the perfect brew, this will only get you so far before leaving you short.
Its great as a backup or for those who just want a decent cuppa in the morning but if you can stretch the budget a little further then we thoroughly recommend you do.